Billy Mays

Billy Mays

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Press Release for DC Newspapers


For immediate release                                                                 Contact:             Skype:  (509) 228-8630
October 14, 2013                                                                                                           
ISBN: 978-0-9836140-0-5                                                                            
(Available at Politics & Prose, Amazon, Barnes & Noble)                                                                                                             YouTube Book Trailer:

Book Series by DC Author Tells New Story about “Normal” Americans Living in the Soviet-Bloc

Not a surprise, but…renting an apartment from the 1st Deputy Premier of Russia!?

With the renewed interest in Anna Chapman and her years in the United States living under cover, it’s not surprising that news is now filtering out about US intelligence operations in the former Soviet-Bloc and Russia. Billy Mays’ book series on his activities in Poland and Russia are sure to be of interest to those seeking information about these undercover operations.

In his book, On the Job Training:  Berlin to Vladivostok, Mays tells the story of his harrowing journeys during 20 years in Poland and the Soviet Union behind the Iron Curtain, and playing key roles during Eastern European transition to representative Democracy and capitalism.

In a chapter of his book, he describes living in one of the former 1st Deputy Prime Minister’s flats in Moscow working for an American printing company. Officially charged with helping that company get set up and start operations in Russia, he was actually involved in intelligence gathering for the U.S. and did what he calls, “dis-information activities” providing false information to prostitutes that was then forwarded to Russian Intelligence officers. Volume II of his series: Trading Dangerously – Import/Export and a Little Thievery will detail that activity and describe efforts to track smugglers attempting to take strategic materials out of the former Soviet Bloc. 

Volume I, On the Job Training: Berlin to Vladivostok, details his short association with Radio Free Europe, a US Senator tracking movements of strategic materials from Russia, and a handful of “normal” Americans living behind the Iron Curtain. It speaks of American activities in Poland and in the Soviet Union/Russia… similar to the recent exposure of Anna Chapman and her cohorts living in the US. It includes a short story about his association with 1st Deputy Premier Anatoly Chubais and of operating out of his apartment in Moscow.

On the Job Training-Berlin to Vladivostok is the first in the four-volume “Rare Earth Series” docu­menting Billy Mays' life in Central and Eastern Europe from 1983 to 2003. A University of Washington student turned unwit­ting spy through his work for the US Embassy, Mays’ adventures are described in a career that spans two decades from Soviet-Bloc martial law Poland through the Klondike-like era following the Soviet Union's collapse. En route to becoming a European Director for several multinational firms - including FEDEX, R.R. Donnelley, and Black & Veatch - Mays becomes engaged in spy networks, is immersed in dangerous black market trade in strategic materials, and has numerous brushes with death along the way while handling sensitive affairs for U.S. Government agencies.

This true-life story, originally an autobiographical blog that friends suggested he publish, reveals a great deal about what many Americans were doing, living behind the Iron Curtain, and sheds light into the dark and dangerous world in Eastern Europe before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall.


On the Job Training – Berlin to Vladivostok is available at Politics & Prose in Washington DC, and on-line at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble in both print and e-book (Kindle & NOOK editions).  (ISBN: 978-0-9836140-0-5)

On the Job Training – Berlin to Vladivostok, Author - Billy Mays, 2011, Proudfoot Publishing, Washington DC. ISBN: 978-0-9836140-0-5, First volume of a four volume series, The Rare Earth Series, documenting 20 years in Europe from 1983-2003. 280pp.

On the Job Training book trailer:

Visit The Rare Earth Series/On the Job Training Facebook website: 




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